Welcome, to the web site of POSUN, Paanch Gaam Patidar Samaj, Southeast Region, USA.
POSUN is a nonprofit organization, started by people originating from the five villages of Pij, Ode, Sunav, Uttarsanda and Nar,
in the State of Gujarat in India.
POSUN was started in May 1997 and today has over 400 families registered as members. Both the annual picnic and the diwali dinner organized
by POSUN every year, are well attended. We are planning more exciting events, so please be sure to check out our
Upcoming Events page to get information on future events of POSUN.
If you are not already a member, please take time to fill out the Online Application Form
to become a member of POSUN. Also please feel free to send us your comments or suggestions
as to how we can improve this website.